Report on Arduino

Aim: Basic introduction of Arduino and practicals on blinking LEDs

Introduction :
  • Arduino is an open-source platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
  • Arduino board are able to read inputs and turn it into an output.
  • What we have to perform, We have to sending a set of instructions to the micro-controller on the board.
  • You can use the Arduino to read sensors and control things like motors and lights.   
  • There are a number of different type of Arduino.
     1.     Arduino Uno
     2.     Arduino NG, Diecimila, and the Duemilanove (Legacy Versions)
     3.     Arduino Mega 2560
     4.     Arduino Mega ADK
     5.     Arduino Yun
     6.     Arduino Nano
     7.     Arduino LilyPad

Use of Arduino :
  •  Arduino is an open-source platform for building electronics projects.
  •  Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board and piece of software or IDE that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.

Features of Arduino Uno :

1.     An open source design.
2.     An easy USB interface.
3.     Very convenient power management and built-in voltage regulation.
4.     32 KB of flash memory for storing your code.
5.     And last, but not least, a button to reset the program on the chip.

Pin Description in Arduino Uno :

      Vin pin is use input voltage to Arduino when using an external power source.
      5V pin : Regulated power supply used to power micro-controller and other components on the board.
      3.3V pin : 3.3V supply generated by on board voltage regulator.
      GND Pin is a ground pin.
      Reset button is use for reset the micro-controller.
      A0-A5 pins are analog pins which are used  to provide analog input in the range of 0-5V.
      0-13 pins are use as input-output pins.
      Inbuilt LED pin 13 is use as to turn on the inbuilt LED.
      AREF pin is use to provide reference voltage for input voltage.
      Maximum current draw is 50mA.

Specification of Arduino Uno :

 8 bit AVR family micro-controller
Operating Voltage
Recommended Input Voltage
Input Voltage Limits
Analog Input Pins
6 (A0 – A5)
Digital I/O Pins
14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)
DC Current on I/O Pins
40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin
50 mA
Flash Memory
32 KB (0.5 KB is used for Boot-loader)
2 KB
1 KB
Frequency (Clock Speed)
16 MHz

Requirements for performing below practicals :
  •   Arduino Uno/Arduino Mega
  •  Jumper Wires (male to male)
  •   Bread Board
  •   LED lights
  •   Connector
  •   Arduino IDE (software)

 Practical : 1

AIM : Code for blinking 1 LED for 5 seconds.

Step : 1 First we have to choose the type of Arduino board.

Step : 2 After that we have to choose the USB port on which our Arduino is connected.

Step : 3 Write this code in Arduino IDE(software).                                    

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Step : 4 Compile the code:

Step : 5 Upload the code on Arduino board.
(Note : Your Arduino board is must connected with your system)

Step : 6 Connect circuit according to code as shown below.

Logical circuit :

Circuit design :

Description of the circuit :

(We are describe the color name of jumper wires for our convenience , you don't required to use same color as describe below . You can use any color of  jumper wire or any connection. )
  • One end of BROWN jumper wire is connected at the pin number 10 on Ariduno UNO board and the another end connected at negative on bread board.
  • The YELLOW wire is connected at the 5V pin on Ardiuno UNO board and another end at positive on bread board.
  • BLUE wire is connected to the ground pin.
  • The positive pin of LED is connected with the 5V supply.
  • The connector wire of Ardiuno UNO board is connected to the power supply.

Features of Arduino Mega 2560 :

·       The Arduino mega is a micro-controller board based on the ATmega 1280.
·       It has 54 digital input/output pins.
·       16 analog inputs.
·       4 UARTs.
·       16 MHz crystal oscillator.
·       A USB connection.
·       A power jack.
·       An ICSP header.
·       A reset button.

Specifications of Arduino MEGA 2560
ATmega 1280
Operating Voltage
5 V
Input Voltage (recommended)
7 V – 12 V
Input Voltage (limits)
6 V – 20 V
Digital I/O Pins
54 (of which 15 provide PWM output)
Analogue input pins
DC current per I/O pin
40 mA
DC current of 3.3 V pin
50 mA
Flash Memory
128 KB of which 4 KB is used by boot-loader
8 KB
4 KB
Clock speed
16 MHz

Arduino Mega 2560 :

Practical : 2

AIM : Code for blinking 4 LEDs, 2 LEDs blinking alternately.

Step : 1 First we have to choose the type of Arduino board.

Step : 2 After that we have to choose the USB port on which our Arduino is connected.

Step : 3 Write this code in Arduino IDE(software).

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Step : 4 Compile the code:

Step : 5 Upload the code on Arduino board.

(Note : your Arduino board is must connected with your system)

Step : 6 Connect circuit according to code as shown below.

Logical circuit :

Circuit design :

Description of the circuit :

(We are describe the color name of jumper wires for our convenience , you don't required to use same color as describe below . You can use any color of  jumper wire or any connection. )

  • One end of the BLUE wire is connected at the 5 V  pin on Ardiuno Mega board and anther end at positive on bread board.
  • ORANGE wire is connected to the ground.
  • BROWN , PURPLE and RED jumper wires are used for providing the individual 5V to LEDs in bread board.
  • First end of YELLOW , GREEN , WHITE and BLACK wires are respectively connected to the port number 10 , 11 ,12 and 13 in Arduino board and second end are connected in negative port on bread board by providing individual 5V.   
Contributed by

Yukta Patel
Happy Patel
Parth Sapra
Bansari Patel
Mohit Panchani
Dhruvi Patel
